We focus on results and work hard to deliver solutions. Let us serve as the law department for your business.
The attorneys at Waldrop & Colvin listen carefully, think critically, and communicate effectively to provide business legal solutions. To us, listening carefully means more than understanding our client’s business needs and the specific questions they need answered. We listen carefully to proactively offer advice to protect their business. Likewise, thinking critically means more than offering a generally accepted legal solution. We analyze the legal issues looking for practical and creative solutions with your business need and abilities in mind. Lastly, we believe there is substantial value in ongoing and open communication between business leads and business minded attorneys. We are directly accessible and don’t speak in legalese. We meet in person, call, video-chat, text or email depending on the situation and our clients support needs.
The bottom line is, we work with our clients every step of the way to make sure that they understand the choices they are making and feel empowered to make them.
Your trusted law firm from launch to maturity. We are the law department for your business.
We listen carefully to learn about your business systems, processes, and objectives, along with your specific legal needs, so we can provide solutions tailored to your business.
We provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions and we work together to develop a plan.
We execute on the plan we develop together and deliver the legal solutions your business needs.
We focus on results and work hard to deliver solutions. Let us serve as the law department for your business.